* Individual applications are evaluated on the merits of the case and require supporting documentation.
* Exemptions are applicable to businesses where water use is a core function of the business.
Step 1: Download and complete the Special Exemption from Water Restrictions Application Form in the document downloads section at the bottom of the page. You will need to provide a detailed motivation and supporting evidence along with your exemption application.
This link will give you the pdf form
Step 2: Hand in your completed exemption application at any of the City’s Walk-in Centres or email it to water.restrictions@capetown.gov.za. Only special exemption applications must be emailed to this address.
Step 3: The City will review your application and supporting documents. Thereafter a City water inspector will conduct an inspection of your site.
If you require exemption from other water restrictions, please apply using the Special Exemption from Water Restrictions Application Form and follow the process outlined on Council website