How to use CityPetFinder

Lost PetsUsing CityPetFinder is easy. If you would like to publish information about your lost pet and search possible matches, you will need to register so that we can link the information you supply to the correct pet. Once you have done so, you can login.

If you have lost a pet, use CityPetFinder to search through a single database of all the animals in the care of the City’s 21 *Registered Animal Organisations (RAOs). Because CityPetFinder has been created in partnership with these RAOs, it has a broader database than any of these organisations might have on their own, which greatly improves your chances of finding your pet.

To add your pet’s details to CityPetFinder, click here.

Please note that registration is required to protect the pets listed in CityPetFinder. If you identify a pet on CityPetFinder as yours, contact the relevant RAO directly.

RAOs can also use CityPetFinder to search for animals in their care that have been identified as lost.

Make sure your pet can’t get lost by:

  • Teaching your pet a command such as ‘Stop!’
  • Enclosing your garden
  • Not leaving your dog outside public places unattended
  • Having your pet microchipped or buying him/her a collar or a disc with your contact details engraved on it
  • Ensuring that you exercise your pet sufficiently to keep it from roaming
  • If your pet runs away but is near enough to hear you, call him/her to you in a pleasant tone of voice. Do not shout – this may scare him/her away
  • Keeping your dog on a leash in public places to prevent him/her wandering off

*A RAO is an animal welfare organisation such as a pound or shelter, that has been registered with the City of Cape Town.

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